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Destination Justice attends Open Data Day in Phnom Penh

On Saturday the 22nd of February, Destination Justice participated in Open Data Day to raise support for the adoption of open data policies that allow the use, reuse and redistribution of public information. The event organised by Open Knowledge Foundation gathered citizens from across the globe to demonstrate the utility of open data by liberating data, writing proposals, creating visualisations and publishing analyses of open data. The purpose of these presentations was to promote the wide sweeping benefits of democratising knowledge in various forms – including government data, publicly funded research and public domain cultural content.

In Phnom Penh, Destination Justice gathered at the event to share the benefits of providing free access to legal information in Cambodia. President Rodolphe Prom and consultants Natalie Matranga and Guillaume Bera discussed the efficacy of, Destination Justice’s open data website that provides a sustainable foundation for the better dissemination of Cambodian law & jurisprudence. embraces the vision that open data is fundamental to ensuring practical access to democracy. By providing open data on Cambodian law and jurisprudence, the website helps foster a well-informed and empowered citizenry that is aware of their legal rights and knows how to assert their legal rights. The website will also in the future facilitate the creation of a community of legal commentators that can dissect and critique the legal fabric of the country. In this sense, open data on legal information is fundamental to ensuring practical access to democracy, as it promotes participation, transparency and accountability.


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