Next week, the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) the world’s preeminent arbitration institution will host an international arbitration workshop series attended by delegates from Cambodian government institutions, and academics and students. This series has been organised by the PCA in partnership with the Phnom Penh office of the organisation Destination Justice.
The workshop series will take place between Monday, January 21 and Friday, January 25 and feature in-depth discussions between delegates and PCA officials on the the nature and advantages of international arbitration. In particular, it will explain the role of the PCA and is intended to enhance cooperation between the Court and the Cambodian government.
These workshops will be attended by some 55 government officials and preeminent members of the legal profession. In particular, it will be one of the very first opportunities for the board members of the National Arbitration Centre (NAC) to meet in this capacity following their nomination last week.
In addition, there will be a workshop with students and academics from the Royal University of Law and Economics, adding to that school’s vibrant existing arbitration program.
“The goal of the PCA’s arbitration workshops in Cambodia is to promote arbitration as a dispute settlement mechanism, as well as to discuss Cambodia’s arbitration legislation in the context of Cambodia’s forthcoming accession to the ASEAN Economic Community.” Ms. Olga Boltenko, PCA Legal Counsel
“The PCA workshop series is perfectly situated to capitalise on Cambodia’s significant developments in arbitration in recent years, including its very recent appointment of the NAC board. There is great potential for this event to catalyse further fruitful collaboration between the PCA and Cambodia moving forward.” Mr. Rodolphe Prom, Destination Justice Senior Consultant managing the event
About the Permanent Court of Arbitration
The Permanent Court of Arbitration is an international organisation which facilitates arbitration and dispute resolution between States. Situated at the Peace Palace in the Hague, the Court has over a hundred States members which “is now perfectly situated … to meet the rapidly evolving dispute resolution needs of the international community”. For more information about the PCA, please visit the PCA website.
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